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Tuesday, December 17, 2013
 Intel Enhances Security, Simplifies Big Data Analytics
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Message Text: Intel today announced several updates to its datacenter software products, including the release of Intel Graph Builder for Apache Hadoop software v2.0, Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop software 3.0, Intel Analytics Toolkit for Apache Hadoop software and the Intel Expressway Tokenization Broker.

Graphs analytics enables organizations to quickly find patterns in networks of linked information - known as graphs. Intel Graph Builder for Apache Hadoop software v2.0 is a set of pre-built libraries that enable automated construction of graph representations that can model real-world problems and support a wide variety of third party graph databases, analytic engines and visualization tools. The Intel Graph Builder for Apache Hadoop software package will be available for the Intel Distribution in January 2014.

The Intel Analytics Toolkit for Apache Hadoop software provides foundation of common algorithms such as graphs and network-based clustering which IT teams can build on and customize with domain-specific code.

The algorithms are broad enough to be applied to multiple industries including financial services, healthcare and retail.

The release of the Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop software 3.0 includes a number of security enhancements to the second generation of the Apache Hadoop architecture recently released by the open source community. The Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop software 3.0 includes support for Apache Hadoop 2.x and YARN with major upgrades to MapReduce, HDFS, Hive, HBase, and related components.

The Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop software includes a number of security enhancements to Apache Hadoop 2.x, delivering up to 20 times faster encryption as well as decryption of data at rest, transparent encryption of data in process in HBase, MapReduce, Hive and Pig applications as well as granular cell-level access control of data in HBase. The latest release also supports the open source implementation of the high availability feature in HDFS that removes the NameNode as the single point of failure. The Intel Manager for Apache Hadoop software now supports YARN, Lustre and GlusterFS as Hadoop compatible file systems.

The new Intel Expressway Tokenization Broker High Capacity Edition offers enterprises a simple drop-in gateway appliance that can support 1 billion tokens with high performance and cross-data center resiliency. The appliance reduces compliance risk by anonymizing and encrypting regulated data in-flight.

With its embedded high-capacity token vault, the Intel Expressway Tokenization Broker can scale with the size of big data workloads to remove data protection from compliance scope, reducing audit and compliance costs.

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