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Monday, March 24, 2014
 Apple in Talks With Comcast for Streaming Service: report
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Message Text: The rumors that Apple will launch a new TV-connected service continue with a the Wall Street Journal report, which claims that Apple is in talks with Comcast.

Apple wants to enter into a deal for a streaming-television service that would allow Apple set-top boxes to bypass congestion on the web, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Apple wants its TV service's traffic to be separated from public internet traffic over the "last mile" for faster transmission, the report said. But that could pose risks of violation of network neutrality obligations. The Federal Communications Commission's rules against Internet service providers giving special treatment to specific Web services were vacated by a court decision. However, Comcast still has to follow the rules until 2018 because of commitments it made in exchange for gaining approval of its acquisition of NBCUniversal in 2011.

Comcast and Apple did not provide any comment.

Apple has been in talks for a faster TV set-top box with Time Warner Cable, which recently agreed to be bought by Comcast.

Netflix agreed last month to pay Comcast for faster speeds, throwing open the possibility that more content companies will have to shell out for better service.

The Federal Communications Commission is exected to approve a new "net-neutrality" bill that would ensure that network operators disclose exactly how they manage Internet traffic and that they do not restrict consumers' ability to surf the Web or use applications.

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