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Appeared on: Thursday, December 4, 2003
Cyberdrive DX082D DVD+RW

1. Installation - Package

CyberDrive DX082D DVD+RW - Page 1


This Taiwanese company has shown in the past that is capable of offering technologically competent drives at very affordable prices. Although a little late, the company skipped the 4x DVD recording speed and followed the "plus" camp with the new DX082D 8x DVD+RW writer.

The drive is built upon the Philips DVD+RW reference design, based on the Nexperia PNX7850 chipset. The basic capabilities include 8x DVD+R, 4x DVD+RW, 32x CD-R and 24x US-RW recording. On the reading side the speeds are 40x for CD-ROM and 12x for DVD-ROM.

- Features

Seamless Link allows a CD-RW/DVD+RW drive to automatically monitor the recording status and prevent buffer under run from occurring.

Seamless Link allows the CD-RW drive to store the RecEnd address, the point in the data to which the recording mechanism has progressed, and pause the recording before a buffer under run occurs. When the buffer is again full, a Seamless Link-enabled drive locates the RecEnd address and resumes the recording process. The gap between the stop and restart point is closed, while managing the recording process precisely and transparently-eliminating under run errors while maintaining recording accuracy.

Dynamic Calibration

To ensure optimal writing quality over the entire disc at higher writing speeds, Cyberdrive implements theWalking OPC algorithm, introduced by Philips. WOPC directly measures and optimizes the actual writing quality during the writing process.

At certain intervals, the writing process will be briefly interrupted, the writing quality directly evaluated and the writing power adjusted accordingly, if required. The Cyberdrive DX082D uses a more dynamic implementation based on the position on the disc and the temperature inside the drive.

In addition, Dynamic Calibration includes a tilt calibration feature. The best reading and writing quality can be obtained if the angle between the disc and the laser beam is 90 degrees. However, if the disc is warped, the laser beam will no longer be correctly positioned which will cause a distortion of the laser spot which will result in decreased writing quality if it is not corrected.

The tilt calibration will reposition the Optical Pickup Unit (OPU) to maintain a 90-degree angle between the laser beam and the disc surface at all times ensuring an optimal spot shape, even on warped discs. The frequency of the tilt calibration depends only on the position on the disc according to a non-linear function. Near the end of the disc the risk for warping is higher so the frequency of the tilt calibration will increase accordingly. As with WOPC, the writing process will be briefly interrupted, the tilt measured and the OPU repositioned if required.

Walking OPC and Tilt Calibration together form the Dynamic Calibration. Although they act independently of each other, some effort is required to synchronize the Tilt Calibrations with the disc position dependent component of Walking OPC.

- Specifications
IDE/ATAPI (Support PIO mode 4 / Multiword DMA mode 2 and UltraDMA mode 2)
Writing Speed

DVD+R: 8x max (10800KBps) ZCLV, DVD+RW: 4x max (5400KBps) CLV, CD-R: 32x max P-CAV, CD-RW: 24x max Z-CLV

Read Speed

DVD+R/-R/+RW/-RW: 8x CAV

DVD-ROM: 12x (16200KBps) CAV, CD-R/RW: 40x (6000KBps) CAV
Random Seek
DVD: 130msec
Buffer Size
Supported Disc Formats
DVD: DVD-Video(8cm/12cm, Single and Dual Layer), DVD+ROM (8cm/12cm, Single and Dual Layer), Multi-Boader, Multi-Session
CD: CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-ROM/XA, mixed mode, Video-CD, Photo CD, Enhanced CD, CD Plus, CD-Text
Supported Writing Types

Disc at Once(DAO), Track at Once(TAO) and Session at Once(SAO)

OS Compatibility
MS-DOS, Windows NT/2000, Windows 95/98/ME/XP

The drive has an 8MB buffer size. Nero Info Tool confirms that the CyberDrive supports reading of all the media formats except DVD-RAM. The drive also supports RAW DAO 96 writing (CD). Mount Rainier is not supported.

The CyberDrive DX082D drive, as most of the DVD drives, uses the RPC II region control and allows the user to change the drive's region 5 times. For our tests, we set the region code to 2 (Europe).

- The drive

By taking a closer look at the drive itself we can see on the frond panel the supported formats with their maximum speeds on the left. In the middle is placed the DVD+RW logo while the CD rewriteable logo is on the right. A little lower and left of centre is the indicator light, which is green while reading and blinking green while writing. Right above the eject button located on the extreme lower right, can be found the emergency eject hole.





On the rear panel is the digital and analogue audio outputs (SPDIF), the IDE connector and the power input.

Removing the screws and opening the drive's cover voids the drive's warranty. For reference reasons, we post the following pictures. The CyberDrive DX082D is built on the Nexperia (Philips/BenQ) DVD+RW reference design. Click on the mainboard picture for a higher resolution image:

Click for Higher Resolution!

Here can be seen the main chipset of the drive which is the Nexperia PNX7850 from Philips, same with the one found in Philips latest DVD recorder DVDR824P. The difference here is that Cyberdrive implemented all the capabilities provided by the PNX7850, offering 32x CD-R and 24x CD-RW writing. (24x/10x for Philips DVR-DVDR824P)

- Retail package

The retail package includes the DX082D recorder, an installation guide, four mounting screws, an audio cable and two blank media ( one DVD+R and one DVD+RW).

As for software there is a complete package from Ahead Nero including Vision Express 2-SE, InCD 4, Nero Showtime etc.



- Installation

The CyberDrive DX082D was connected to our test PC and was identified as "CyberDrv DX082D" under WinXP OS. All tests were done with firmware revision v100B.

In the following pages can be seen the test results and in addition a comparison with three other DVD burners, the Philips DVR824P DVD+RW, the Optorite DD0401 and the Plextor PX-708A dual DVD burners.

2. Data CD Reading Tests

CyberDrive DX082D DVD+RW - Page 2

Data CD Reading Tests

- Pressed CD results (Click for CDSpeed results)

The CyberDrive DX082D finished the test at an average speed of 33.23x, slightly faster than Philips DVDR824P. Both drives offer 40x CAV reading for CD-R/ROM. Plextor and Optorite drives were also fast with 32.26x and 30.44x, respectively.

The seek times for CyberDrive were quite good. The Optorite DD0401 leads the battle being fastest in all seek times, while Philips was the slowest.

- CD-R Media results (Click for CDSpeed results)

We made a copy of the previous pressed CD in order to check the drive's capabilities when reading a CD-R. CyberDrive was the fastest once again. It finished the test at the speed of 33.14x average, followed by Philips DVDR824P.

The CDR-Media seek times did not differ very much from those of the Pressed CD with the Optorite drive again being fastest.

- ReWritable Media (Click for CDSpeed results)

For the reading test we used 24x Ultra Speed rewritable media from Mitsubishi Chemicals.

The CyberDrive's performance with CD-RW was once again similar to that of previous media. It managed to read the US-RW at an average speed of 33.08x. It is worth noting that the reading process started at 19.37x and reached 43.69x upon completion. Philips has the second highest speeed while Optorite was the slowest.

3. CD Error Correction Tests

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CD Error Correction Tests

In the following tests we check the drive's behavior when it comes to reading scratched / defective audio discs. The test discs used are the ABEX series from ALMEDIO.


Errors total
Num: 1007637
Errors (Loudness) dB(A)
Num: 49500
Avg: -73.7 dB(A)
Max: -35 dB(A)
Error Muting Samples
Num: 3102
Avg: 1.8 Samples
Max: 1140 Samples
Skips Samples
Num: 0
Avg: 0.0 Samples
Max: 0 Samples
Total Test Result
76.3 points (out of 100.0 maximum)

The 721Abex test disc is hard to read accurately for most drives. The average error level is -73.7dB(A) which is an acceptable level and does not lead to audible problems in the output signal, according to EAC author. The peaks were lower than -50dB(A) which means that the odds of a possible problem occurring are fewer.

- ABEX TCD-726

Errors total
Num: 0
Errors (Loudness) dB(A)
Avg:-94.0 dB(A)
Max: -87.6 dB(A)
Error Muting Samples
Num: 0
Avg: 0.0 Samples
Max: 0 Samples
Skips Samples
Num: 1
Avg: 185.0 Samples
Max: 185 Samples
Total Test Result
83.6 points (out of 100.0 maximum)

The Abex TCD-726 is a much easier disc for drives to read. In this case, the CyberDrive managed to read the disc without reporting any problems, while only one sample was skipped. The total score for the drive is 83.6 out of 100, which is a very good score.

- CD-Check Audio Test Disc

The CD-Check Test Disc is a very useful tool for evaluating the Sound Reproduction / Error correction capabilities of a CD player. The disc offers a signal combination with disc error patterns to rate the drive's abilities to read music and reproduce it completely. Five tracks on the disc contain a sequence of progressively difficult tests. These tracks are referred as Check Level-1 through Check Level-5.

The files are reproduced (played) through a software multimedia player (i.e. Windows Media Player). Each level is considered as passed, if the tone coming out from the speakers is smooth, continuous without interruptions, skipping or looping. The higher the Check Level passed, the more reliable the sound reproduction of the tested device.

Error Level
CyberDrive DX082D

The drive passed the first 4 of 5 Check Levels for this test. The performance of the DX082D was very good revealing high sound reproduction and error correction/concealment capabilities. Note that the fifth level includes an error size of 1.500mm which is unreadable by most drives.

- Summary

Test Disc
Reading Speed
Average Score

Combining the two scores from the 721R and 726 Abex tests, the CyberDrive achieves an average score of 73.4 out of 100, an acceptable score and above average.

4. DVD Reading Tests

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DVD reading tests

- Single Layer PTP DVD-ROM (Click for CDSpeed results)

The CyberDrive DX082D supports 12x CAV reading speed with single layer DVD-ROM media. From the diagram above it can be seen that the drive managed to surpass the manufacturer's stated DVD reading speed of 12x specifications, as well as being the fastest of the four drives.

The performance of the CyberDrive was very good in this test. In comparison with the other drives, it has the fastest full seek time, while its random and 1/3 seek times place it somewhere in the middle.

- Dual Layer PTP DVD-ROM (Click for CDSpeed results)

The two layers of a PTP DVD-ROM disc are read sequentially with the drive starts reading from the inner tracks of the disc, which is the beginning of each layer, moving towards the outer tracks for each layer.

From the graph above it can be seen that the CyberDrive produced the same performance as the Philips drive, probably due to the use of the same chipset. However, Optorite was the fastest in this test with Plextor second.

Although the CyberDrive wasn't the fastest in the DVD dual layer speed tests, the same doesn't hold true for the seek time tests for the same media. According to the graph above, the CyberDrive had the best times in all modes. Especially in the full seek times, where it was faster than the second placed drive by 11ms.

- Dual Layer OTP DVD-ROM

The first layer of an OTP dual layer DVD-ROM is read exactly the same way as the first layer of the PTP disc tested previously. The difference here is the reading strategy of the second layer of the disc. The beginning of the second layer is located in the outer tracks of the disc, so that the drive starts reading from the outer tracks toward the inner tracks.

In the following screen shot from Nero CDspeed, it can be seen that the drive performed smoothly over the entire surface. It started reading at 3.15x and finished at 7.61x having an average speed of 5.67x.

- DVD Ripping Tests

We measured the DVD-Video ripping speed of the CyberDrive DX082D using the latest version of DVD Decrypter software. The DVD Video title was the "Matrix" pressed DVD (single layer, 4.38GB).

The CyberDrive ripped the DVD movie files to the hard disk at 7489 KB/s (5.4x) average. It is not the best time but is still good. Philips had the fastest performance and Plextor the slowest.

It should be mentioned that although the Plextor PX-708A supports 2x DVD Video ripping by default, pressing the eject button for 3 seconds (no disc inserted) will enable DVD ripping at higher speeds. In this case, the average ripping speed for the same movie reached the 8,957KB/sec (6.5X).

- DVD Recordable / Rewritable reading Tests

The chart below shows the Nero CDSpeed results with the following media:

From the above graph, we can easily conclude that all drives exhibited similar performance since the differences in maximums does not exceed more than 0.2x. CyberDrive had the second best reading speed after Optorite. In this typical comparison, Philips was third and Plextor fourth but once again we mention that the differences was negligible.

5. DVD Error Correction Tests

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DVD Error Correction Tests

In the following tests the DVD reading capabilities of the Cyberdrive DX082D drive with scratched / defective DVD media are examined. For these tests we used CDVD Benchmark and Nero CDSpeed . The reference test media came from ALMEDIO.

- Single Layer media

This is a single sided, single layer DVD-ROM with a 4.7GB capacity, and its surface has an artificial scratch of dimensions varying from 0.4 to 3.0 mm. The following transfer rate output was produced by the CDVD Benchmark v1.21 transfer rate test.

The CyberDrive DX082D read accurately the 821 test disc without reporting any read errors. The defective area didn't affect the reading ability of the drive. As a sidenote, the test finished at a speed of 12,8x under CAV.


This is also a single sided, single layer DVD-ROM with a 4.7GB capacity. The data structure of the disc is exactly the same as that of the TDR-821, with the difference that instead of scratches on the surface there are defective areas of dimensions ranging from 0.5 to 1.1 mm. There are also fingerprints sized between 65 and 75 micrometers.

Once again the drive bypassed the defective area and gave an accurate reading without errors. The speed reached at the end of the test was 12,8x under CAV.

- Dual Layer media

This is an 8.5GB dual layer, single sided DVD-ROM disc with artificial scratches of dimensions ranging from 0.4 to 3.0mm, in both layers.

Although the transfer rate graph above is not solid, CyberDrive finished the test without reporting any errors. Once again the defective area in each layer was bypassed by the drive.


This test disc is a single sided, dual layer DVD-ROM disc with a capacity of 8.5GB. The only difference between the TDR-845 and the TDR-841 is that the TDR-845 includes defective areas and fingerprints. The dimensions of the defective areas range from 0.5 to 1.1 mm and the fingerprints are sized from 65 to 75 micro meters.

The CyderDrive finished the test without reporting any reading errors, although the reading graph is not smooth.


The TDV-541 is a single sided, dual layer DVD-VIDEO disc, with a capacity of 8.5GB.The disc is based on the TDV-540 series which is designed for inspection and adjustment of DVD-VIDEO players. The disc checks the layer switch operation from layer 0 to layer 1 and also includes test pictures and test signals for DVD sound files. The current TDV-541 also checks the error correction capabilities of the drive and includes scratches sized from 0.4 to 3.0 mm.

The CyberDrive DX082D read the 541 test disc very easily notwithstanding the reduction of speed at the beginning of the first layer. The starting speed was 3.17x, peaking at 7.62x and having an average speed of 5.72x.


The TDV-545 test disc is based on the TDV-540 series. It is a single sided, dual layer DVD-VIDEO disc with a capacity of 8.5GB. The TDV-545 includes artificial black dots on the data surface, sized from 0.4 to 1.0 mm. It also has 65 - 75 micrometer fingerprints.

As can be seen in the following screen shot from Nero CDspeed, the drive showed smooth performance and finished the test accurately. It is interesting to note that the maximum speed reached was exactly the same as in the previous test with teh 541 test disc in all modes.

6. Protected Data Disc Tests

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Protected Disc Tests
- Reading Tests

The purpose of this test is to create an image of the various protected titles to hard disk. CloneCD v4.3.1.9 software was used with the appropriate settings, according to the protection type of the inserted discs. Below are summarized the capabilities of the CyberDrive DX082D drive, according to CloneCD software.

The game titles we used for each protection scheme are given in the table below:

Game Title
Protection Scheme
PSX "NBA Jam Extreme"
Serious Sam The Second Encounter v1.07
SafeDisc v.2.60.052
VRally II
SecuROM v.2
PSX Pressed Media

In this test, the CyberDrive managed the second best time behind the Plextor drive. The ripping process took 98sec for Cyberdrive and 69 for Plextor. The slowest was the Optorite drive with 180 sec. While the 98 seconds needed by the CyberDrive drive was not the fastest, it is nonetheless a very good time.

SafeDisc v.2

Once again the CyberDrive DX082D had the second best time. The fastest drive in our comparison was Plextor which was over three times faster than Cyberdrive. Philips follows with 302.99 sectors/sec and last is Optorite with 134.97 sectors/sec. The average ripping speeds for the drives were 15x, 5.1x, 2x and 0.9x for Plextor, CyberDrive, Philips and Optorite respectively.

SecuROM v2

In this test the CyberDrive achieved the lowest transfer rate with 1432.36 sectors/sec while Philips had the fastest rate at 2203.63 sectors/sec.

- Writing Tests

For checking the drive's EFM correction status, two different game titles were used, with different SafeDisc 2 versions and the latest software patches installed. After creating the images of the various titles to the hard disk, we burned them (maximum speed) with CloneCD v4.3.1.9. Two different discs were created for each title; one with the "Amplify Weak Sectors" feature enabled and one more with the function disabled.

In the table below can be seen whether the produced backups were working (game installed / played normally), or not.

Game Title
SD2 Build
Amplify Weak Sectors On
Amplify Weak Sectors Off
CyberDrive DX082D
Max Payne
Serious Sam - The Second Encounter v1.07

The CyberDrive drive made working backups of the SafeDisc v.2.51.020. The backup files were also tested in old players ( Teac CD-540E) where we had positive results.

Regarding SafeDisc v.2.60.052 protection, the backups did not working despite the use of CloneCD.

7. DAE Tests

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DAE Tests

- Pressed and CDR AudioCD results

According to CDSpeed, the average reading speed with this disc was 32.58x, and the reported seek times were adequate.

We ripped the contents of the same audio disc to the hard disk with CDDAE software. The drive gave an average ripping speed (burst mode) of 29.4x:


In the same test, Philips had the same speed as the CyberDrive at 29.4x while the Plextor drive gave an average speed of 29x. The Optorite drive was the slowest due to their 32x CAV reading strategy.

The same pressed audio disc was copied onto a CD-R and was read again with CDspeed. the Philips DVDR824P drive gave the highest ripping speed at 29.8x while teh CyberDrive was marginally slower at 29.7x. The Plextor drive reached 29.2x, and Optorite's was once again slowest at 28.1x.

- Advanced DAE Quality

The CyberDrive DX082D achieved a score of 100 (perfect) in the Nero CD Speed Advanced DAE test. CDSpeed reported that the drive can only read Cd Text and Subchannel Data and not Leadin and Leadout information.

- Support of 90/99mins AudioCDs

The drive managed to rip the audio contents of both 90min and 99min audioCDs.

- Reading/Ripping Protected AudioCDs

For this test procedure two audio discs were used with different audio protections. The tasks tested are both recognition and ripping to the hard disk. The software used is Exact Audio Copy.

* Pressed Audio disc protected by Sony Key2Audio (Celine Dion - New Day Has Come)

* Pressed Audio disc protected by Cactus Data Shield 200 (Natalie Imbruglia - White Lilies Island)

CyberDrive DX082D
Philips DVDR824P
OK (with some problems)
Plextor PX-708A
Optorite DD0401
Recognizes disc contents but cannot rip tracks

The CyberDrive DX082D had no problems with the protected audio discs as was the case with the Plextor drive. Similarly with the Philips drive with the exception, when we used the CDS200 protected disc there were some mutes and skip errors with the playback. Only Optorite failed to rip the CDS200 tracks.

8. CD Recording Tests

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CD Recording Tests

- CD-R Writing Tests

The CyberDrive DX082D supports 8x, 12x, 16x, 24x and 32x P-CAV writing speeds. Below can be seen the CDSpeed writing simulation graph when using a 48x CD-R media from Taiyo Yuden.

Reading started at 18.67x at the beginning of the disc and the maximum 32x speed was reached by the 40:00 min address mark on the disc. According to Nero CDSpeed, the average writing speed for an 80min CD-R was 29.01x. As was mentioned in the first page, Cyberdrive took advantage of the Nexperia chipset and achieved a 32x P-CAV CD-R recording speed instead of the 24x speed reached by the Philips DVDR824P drive.


- Recording Times

For this burning test we created an 80min data compilation disc by using Nero Burning Rom and recorded it at the maximum available speed on a 700MB disc. The graph above shows the time required by each drive, at its maximum speed, to write this test disc.

By looking at this graph it becomes evident that the writing speed varied considerably among the tested drives. In particular, the Plextor and Optorite drives recorded at 40x, Philips DVDR824P at 24x while the Cyberdrive DX082x at 32x. However, the Optorite drive required around the same time as the CyberDrive due to Cyberdrive's use of P-CAV as opposed to Optorite's CAV writing method. The Plextor drive proved the fastest drive with 178sec, due to its 40x P-CAV strategy.

Below can be seen the best writing times for the CyberDrive DX082D at 8x, 12x, 16x, 24x and 32x. The disc used was the same for all speeds and came from Taiyo Yuden. In each case, the Seamless Link feature was enabled.

The following graph shows the recording times with different media brands, recorded at the maximum speed of 32x.

Judging from the recording times, the Cyberdrive DX082D reduced the writing speed during the burning process, with Ritek 48x and SKC 48x media.

- CD-RW Writing Tests

CyberDrive supports 24x CLV maximum rewriting speed, with Ultra Speed rewritable media. The following graph shows results of the writing process with a 24x US-RW from Mitsubishi Chemicals.

The test started at a speed of 18.67x, accelerating to the maximum writing speed of 24x at around the 12 minute mark and continuing on at that speed for the rest of the procedure. The test finished at 24.20x.


We used Nero Burning Rom in order to burn a US-RW data disc from Mitsubishi Chemicals. The data compilation size was 650 MB and the duration of the recording process with the CyberDrive DX082D was an impressive 03:35min. The best rewriting times for all the drives are presented in the following graph.

As can be seen, the CyberDrive drive was the fastest of all the drives. The second best time was achieved by the Plextor drive being only slightly slower. Philips was the slowest in this test with 10x rewriting speed.

- Other features

Up to 99min
CD text reading/writing

9. 3T Jitter Tests

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Writing Quality Tests - 3T Jitter Tests

In this test we used various media, burning the same Audio CD project at the maximum speed supported by the CyberDrive DX082D. In the following graphs can be seen the 3T Pit & Land Jitter measurements we measured.

- 3T Pit results

According to our measurement the drive performed very well with all the media tested. The 3T Pit Jitter values are below the Red Limit (<35ns) in all cases except with Imation media which had slight lyincreased values. Generally, the drive appears to be a quality CD-R writer.

Below are the average 3T Jitter values for all tested media.


- 3T Land results

Once again the drive gave acceptable 3T Land Jitter values. No matter what the media was, the results we took indicate very good writing quality.

- Summary
Media Brand
Average 3T Pit Jitter (ns)
Average 3T Land Jitter (ns)
> 35ns
Max 3T jitter values (ns)
35 Pit, 37 Land
40 Pit, 37 Land
29 Pit, 31 Land
33 Pit, 32 Land
32 Pit, 33 Land

The average 3T Pit and Land jitter values measured are below the standard 35nsec for almost all the media brands.

10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements

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Writing Quality Tests - C1 / C2 Error Measurements

We measured the C1 / C2 error rate on the recorded discs burned at the various supported writing speeds. The software used was UMDoctor Pro II, and the reader for retrieving the error information was the Optorite DD0203. The charts below illustrate the Q-Check graphs for various CD-R media and speeds.

Below can be seen more information regarding the CD-R media used in this test.

ID Code
Taiyo Yuden 48X
TaiyoYuden 97m24s01f
Prodisc 40x
Ritek 97m15s17f
Imation 48x
CMC Magnetics 97m26s66f
Ritek 48x
Fuji 97m26s45f
- Summary

The measurements with UM Doctor confirmed the very good writing quality of the drive for all the supported speeds. The C1 error rate is very low, and only in one circumstance was there a C2 error, specifically with the Taiyo Yuden media recorded at 32x.

11. DVD Recording Tests

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DVD Recording Tests

- Writing Performance

The CyberDrive DX082D supports DVD+R/RW writing. The maximum supported speeds are 8X and 4x respectively.

We used an 8x DVD+R disc form Mitsubishi Chemicals in order to check the 8x writing performance of the drive. The software used was Nero CDSpeed and its "create disc" function.

The writing procedure started at 6x and after burning approximately 500MB the speed reached 8x. The process continued as illustrated below. This behavior is normal according to the manufacturer and it is similar to that of the Philips DVR824P, not surprising since they both carry the same NEXPERIA chipset.

As a side note, the test finished at 8.08x confirming the stated specification speed of 8x for DVD writing. The average speed was 7.6x.



Below is a screen shot of CDspeed writing test results with a 4x DVD+RW media from Mitsubishi Chemicals.

Once again the drive confirmed the manufacturers stated specifications for 4x DVD+RW writing. The test showed a solid writing speed of 4x.




- Burning Tests

We burned 4315MB of data on various DVD+R, DVD+RW media. We used the maximum allowed writing speed for each disc. The best recording times are illustrated in the following graph. For comparison, we also include the writing times of the Philips DVDR824P, Plextor PX-708A and Optorite DD0401 drives.

According to the table above CyberDrive proved the fastest among the drives when it comes to DVD+R media. It needed 07:48 min to burn our compilation. Plextor and Philips burned the same compilation in almost the same time, with a few seconds delay. Optorite was the slowest with over a minute's difference.

The same cannot be said of DVD+RW media. All the drives needed around the same time to write the project. The Plextor drive was faster with only three seconds difference from the next fastest.

The following screenshots are from Nero, after successful burnings with 8x DVD+R and 4x DVD+RW, both from Mitsubishi Chemicals. The amount of data is the same for all the tests.


The CyberDrive DX082D adjusts the recording speed according to the inserted blank DVD disc. In the following table are the maximum permitted writing speeds with various media.

Disc Label
Disc Information
Writing Speed

12. PI/PO Error Measurements

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KProbe PI/PO quality results

The following screen shots present the PI/PO scans for various DVD+R/RW media, recorded with the CyberDrive DX082D at the maximum alloweable speed.

The software used for the measurements is the KProbe v1.1.26, and the reader is the LiteOn LDW-401S. The ECC setting was 8. The specific methodology is very dependent on the drive used as a reader, and the reliability of the PI/PO provided output is also not technically confirmed. As a result, we cannot safely come up with absolute results, but we are allowed to compare the behavior of the drive with various DVD recordable/rewritable media. The official DVD specifications demand that PI should be < 280/sec (PI<<280/sec good quality) and the PO should be zero.

The discs we used come from Mitsubishi Chemicals, Taiyo Yuden, Philips, Hi-Space, N-Tech and Sentinel. More information about each disc type is available at the bottom of the page.


13. Conclusion

CyberDrive DX082D DVD+RW - Page 13




  • 8x DVD+R writing
  • Features Seamless Link & Dynamic Calibration technologies
  • 4x DVD+RW writing
  • Good CD/DVD seek times
  • Fast CD-R/RW/DVD-ROM/DVD±R/RW reading
  • Very good Sound Reproduction / Error correction capabilities
  • Good DVD-Video ripping speed
  • Supports ripping/playback Key2Audio and CDS200 protected discs
  • 40x max DAE
  • Good CD-R writing quality
  • Overburning up to 99min
  • Supports CD-Text (reading/writing)
  • Excellent DAE quality
  • Good DVD error correction
  • Doesn't support Mount Rainier
  • Cannot create working backups of all latest SafeDisk versions
  • CD-R Media list for 32x writing could be longer

We should state that due to the use of the Nexperia chipset we expected the CyberDrive drive to have displayed approximately the same behavior as the Philips DVDR824P. This was not the case however; the Cyberdrive drive pushed the chipset to its limits in order to offer higher CD-R and CD-RW writing speeds, while firmware adjustments improved the performance significantly in areas.

The CyberDrive is the fastest 8x DVD+R recorder we have ever experienced, offering impressive recording times. As a point in case, we refer you the excellent 07:48min and the very good 14:09min times for DVD+R and DVD+RW recording respectively. However, the supported media for 8x DVD+R writing is not very long, as it currently stands for this speed.

Of course, burning DVD's at high speed is not the only priority, but a drive should also provide very good writing quality. And in this respect the CyberDrive does not appear to have any problems. Far from it, our PI/PO measurements proved the drive is capable of very good writing quality.

As a CD-R recorder, the CyberDrive was again the fastest, despite its 32x supported writing speed. Even when competing drives reach 40x writing speeds, nonetheless DX082D gave the best times. And of course, once again quality should be our guide. For one more time the drive burned all the media brands we tested at a high quality, with the measurements for jitter values we took proving more than satisfactory. What we should note is that the drive did not record at 32x with all the CD-R media we used.

The same thing also holds true with US-RW media. CyberDrive had the fastest times among the drives.

In reading, the CyberDrive had the highest average reading speeds, with all type of media, CD and DVD.

The CyberDrive DX082D has good error correction for both CDs and DVD's. The performance with defective CD media was high, while the 1.5mm defective area of our CD-Check Audio Test Disc proved to be a problem for the drive. As for DVD media the drive read accurately all of our defective DVD discs, no matter what the size of the defective area, without reporting any read errors.

An important issue, however, is that the drive did not manage to make working backups of all the latest versions of SafeDisc game protection we tested. SafeDisk versions over v2.51.020 are a problem for this drive.

On the other hand, the drive managed to rip and playback all of the protected Audio CDs we tried. Key2Audio and CDS200 were not a problem. The same can be said of 99min Audio CDs.

Although the CyberDrive DX082D is not currently available on the market, it is expected very soon at a very affordable price, below 150 Euros. Combining high performance and reliability, the Cyberdrive DX082D is a respectable representative of the DVD+Rewritable format and rightfully earns our credits.

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