Make sure all hard disk drives are powered up and properly connected to your computer. If certain that the hard drives are properly connected, check the following:
Scan the drive for viruses, if the Master Boot Record is infected, Windows NT may not see the hard drive properly. Please use a commercial scan program, in addition to MS Virus scan. Even if the drive is NTFS, the Master Boot Record can become infected.
If the hard drive is EIDE, check the following:
- Verify that the system drive is the first drive on the first IDE controller on the motherboard.
- In the system BIOS, verify that file I/O and/or disk access are set to standard. Most computers ship with access set to either 32-bit or enhanced access.
If the drive is IDE or ESDI, check the following:
Verify the controller is functional in a different computer if possible.
If the drive is larger than 1024 cylinders, make certain that a supported disk configuration utility is used.
Verify the drive is jumpered correctly for master, slave, or single drive.