My new 73 GB Cheetah runs fine under WinNT 4.0, but, Win95/98 FDISK only shows 4 GB.

Win95/98 FDISK will only report the amount over 68.7 GB (4.4 GB for the 73 GB drives). A third party utility like Disk Manager may be required to correctly see the full size. FDISK can be used but you must give the percentage when asked the size to partition. FDISK will continue to not report the partition sizes correctly, but after formatting, the partitions will be seen correctly under Windows. View our FAQ on this issue. Microsoft has a Knowledgebase article "Fdisk Does Not Recognize Full Size of Hard Disks Larger than 64 GB" ( ) on this issue. This article includes directions for obtaining a fix for Win98. This fix should be incorporated into WinMe.

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