TDK Crashes PC?
Installed as Secondary Master, Old Toshiba 1202 DVD-ROM drive is Secondary Slave. All looks ok, DMA enabled for TDK...but when extracting Audio it always crashes my PC. I get a black screen and have to press reset on the PC box.Also happens when burning. Only common theme seems to be that everything is ok until the TDK "gets up to speed".
I would bet it's a Power Supply problem. This is because you are stating a rather power-thirsty config there... It's easy to understand that as the drive speeds up, the power it needs also gets higher, PLUS, this is happening to the hard disk of yours *AT THE SAME TIME* (The CDR reads while the HD writes). If I were you, I'd go for a fresh windows install, to make sure this is not a driver conflict problem. After that I'd go for a new power supply
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