I just reformatted my master drive, now I can't access my Western Digital slave drive!
Check to determine if Device Manager in Windows sees the drive. If Device Manager sees the drive but My Computer and Explorer do not, it is most likely a partition issue. The easiest way to check partitions is with FDISK. When in Windows, go to the Start Menu and choose Run. In the Run box type FDISK and click OK. This will bring up a large DOS box asking if you wish to enable large disk support. Answer Yes. You will then see several options. Choose option 5 (Change current fixed disk), and choose the correct drive. Once the drive has been selected, choose option 4 (Display partition information). You will most likely see that the partition is either not present or may be showing as NON-DOS.
If you see a NON-DOS partition that means the partition is there, however it is unreadable by Windows. This usually happens when EZ-BIOS is not handling the drive correctly. If this is the case, you must install the EZ-BIOS boot code on your boot or master drive in order to access the partition.
To do this, boot to a Windows or DOS startup disk. At the A: prompt insert the Data Lifeguard Tools disk, type DLGEZ /MBR and press Enter. This should re-install EZ-BIOS to your boot or master drive, allowing you to access the slave drive and all its data.
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