Thin-Film Head
A magnetic transducer manufactured by deposition of magnetic and electrical materials on a base material contrasted with prior art mechanical methods. Read/write heads whose read/write element is deposited using integrated circuit techniques rather than being manually wound.
Thin-Film Media
See plated thin film media.
One surface of a cylinder. A path which contains reproducible information left on a magnetic medium by recording means energized from a single channel.
Track Positioning
The method, both mechanical and electrical, used to position the heads over the correct cylinder in a disk drive system.
Track-Following Servo
A closed-loop positioner control system that continuously corrects the position of the disk drive's heads by utilizing a reference track and a feedback loop in the head positioning system. (See also closed loop.)
Tracks Per Inch (TPI)
A measurement of radial density. Tracks per inch of disk radius.
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