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Category: Single Word:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Ultra AdvancedTechnology Attachment (ULTRA-ATA)
The latest improvement of the AT-Attachment device interface. Also known as ATA/ATAPI-4, Ultra-DMA, Ultra-ATA, among other names, the interface has a theoretical maximum data transfer rate of 33MB/sec. See the Ultra DMA FAQ for more detailed information.

Ultra Direct Memory Access (Ultra-DMA)
The latest improvement of the EIDE device interface. Also known as ATA/ATAPI-4, Ultra-ATA, or Ultra-DMA/33, this is the latest advancement to the ATA specifications (draft): ATA/ATAPI-4. Which, among other improvements, supports Ultra DMA. This interface has a theoretical maximum data transfer rate (burst, not sustained) of 33MB/sec. Maxtor drives that support Ultra-DMA will have a suffix of "D" instead the traditional "A".

Un-Correctable Error
An error that is not able to be overcome with Error Detection and Correction.

Unformatted Capacity
Storage capacity of disk drive prior to formatting; also called the gross capacity. (See format.) The raw capacity of a drive not taking into account the capacity loss due to storage of the format control information on the disk surfaces.

Unrecoverable Error
A read error falling outside the capability of an ECC mechanism to correct, or not able to be overcome by rereading the data in question, with or without repositioning the head.

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