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Friday, March 31, 2000
New copy protection scheme
Sony recalls all shipped PlayStation 2 discs!
InterVideo to ship first legal Linux-DVD soft-player!
Wall Street to invade the console market?
More Teac Tweak info..
Yamaha changes customer policy 2!
Thursday, March 30, 2000
Yamaha changes customer policy
Tuesday, March 28, 2000
Yamaha Introduces New 12x CD-R Media Packages
Iomega Ships Macintosh-Compatible External ZipCD USB Drive
Hacked video technology provides look at MP3-like films
That's Write 99min Media!
Monday, March 27, 2000
Yet ANOTHER PS2 exploit!
Exclusive: Apex to stop selling "loopholed" dvd/vcd/mp3 player?
Aiwa presents CDRW friendly home stereo system
What is going on with latest x.0b update for Adaptec Products?
Pioneer Ships Industry's Fastest DVD-ROM Drive "Sweet 16''
Microsoft Windows Media Player v7.0!
Sunday, March 26, 2000
Microsoft hunting for Whistler pirate
Macrovision Announces SAFEDISC HD
Saturday, March 25, 2000
Hollywood agrees on DVD protection
China Bans MP3s
Friday, March 24, 2000
EAC adds writing CDs option!
Gamers Depot reviewed Plextor PlexWriter 12x4x32 CDR-W
Tuesday, March 21, 2000
Firmware Hack for Toshiba's DVD drives
MS office 2000 SR-1 Antipiracy features
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