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Friday, June 30, 2000
Sega responds to the DreamCast backups
Thursday, June 29, 2000
DVD Scene Is Set for Confusion
New CD format which supports 1.3GB coming from Sony and Philips
TEAC ships new PortaCD USB CD-Rom
MediaFORM adds 4 new automated CD-R production solutions
Sensory Science Introduces New California Audio Labs CL-2500 DVD Player
OSTA Extends Efforts to Ensure UDF Software Compatibility With 'Plugfest 2'
Wednesday, June 28, 2000
CD-RW Industry Leaders Introduce New DVD+RW Initiatives
99min Media can be written with existing CDR-W drives?
Ricoh Announces 12X/10X/32X CD-R/RW Drive and Package
Tuesday, June 27, 2000
Kalisto strikes again with 2 releases in one day!
ADS Technologies Announces New Pyro 1394 DVD-RAM Drive
TEAC Announces New CD-RW Drive Line-Up
New group enters the DC scene
Monday, June 26, 2000
ECI to Provide Pay-For-Support for any CD Recorder
Panasonic announces volume shipping of 4.7GB DVD-RAM Drives and Media
Evergreen ships IEEE 1394 CDRW Drive
Friday, June 23, 2000
It's real! The first DreamCast backup image now floats around the net!
Thursday, June 22, 2000
Ricoh enters the HS RW race with new CDR-W drives!
Wednesday, June 21, 2000
Panasonic ships CW7585UZ
Tuesday, June 20, 2000
Violet Laser Diode coming at first of July
PS2 2in1 modchip results
RCA Digital Audio ships new Mp3 products
Smart & Friendly...The End!
Sensory Science ships dual-deck DVD/VCR combo!
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