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Monday, September 30, 2002
IBM announces IBM Deskstar 180GXP HD line
NICHIA announces development of Ultraviolet (365 nm) 100 mW LED
Toshiba introduces industry's first mobile DVD-R PC drive!
Saturday, September 28, 2002
Enhanced DVD demoed as similar format nears completion
SmartDisk adds popular DVD media formats to product line
Samsung "SW-248B" (48/16/48) CD-RW drive unveiled
News: PleXWriter PX-W4824A hardware review
Bon Jovi album release could be delayed by lawsuit!
Friday, September 27, 2002
MARCAN offers under-$2000 desktop CD/DVD duplicator
SANYO develops high density recording technology “HD-BURN” -Doubles the recording capacity of conventional CD-R media
Primera Technology introduces 48x recording speed with new lower pricing!
Thursday, September 26, 2002
Exclusive: Intellikey Labs talks about Pioneer's press release and the confusing test results of DVD compatibility study!
Intersil unveils new family of higher speed CD-R/RW Laser drivers supporting up to 52X writing!
Interactive Media announces the release of stand alone DVD duplicator
News: YAMAHA CRW-F1DX and WAITEC FRISBY II hardware reviews
Taiwan CD-R disc makers advance into high-speed products
Verbatim CD-RW drives offer great value for consumers and small businesses
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Sanyo Electric's “HD-BURN” technology can fit 1.4GB to an 80min CD-R! - Updated!
NEC announces ND-1100 DVD±RW recorder
CDR-DAO project temporarily frozen
CMC Magnetics president vows to lift gross margins to over 30% next year
Matsushita Electric develops early window content protection system for Airline DVD
Sanyo's CRD-DV2 supports 4X DVD+R/+RW writing, among with HD-BURN function
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
Freecom announces external DVD+RW/+R second generation DVD recorder
Pioneer Japan announces DVR-A05 (4X DVD-R and 2X DVD-RW) recorder!
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