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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
New Sony NW-HD3 20GB MP3 Player
SONY Unveils High-Capacity Network Attached Storage System at RSNA
New FX-50: Mobile DVD burning with 16x & double-layer technology
NEC Introduces High-definition Video Transmission System Based on 3G Mobile Network
Companies form mobile gaming alliance
Kazaa the biggest piracy system, courts told
Trio Gives First Look at Cell Processor
Samsung Introduces Hard Drive-equipped MP3 Player
MJU 500 offers 5Mp, 3x zoom, 2.5-inch LCD
IBM and HP to quit making PCs?
Screensaver tackles spam websites
First look at PlayStation 3 chip
Monday, November 29, 2004
Toshiba Announces the Next-Generation DVD Format Endorsement by Major Hollywood Studios
Pirate-for-genuine XP trade
Friday, November 26, 2004
Canon problems ease fears of LCD glut
Sony Unprepared for Flat TV Demand
NEC Electronics to Develop System LSI for 3G Mobile Phones
LG unveils largest PDP TV
Asustek aims to ship 600,000 LCD monitors, 800,000 systems in 2005
ATI and Qualcomm join forces to improve mobile graphics
Security experts trash Kazaa
Philips launches PCs, after a decade
Samsung launches its first HDMI-equipped DVD player
EU sets date for Microsoft appeal
Thursday, November 25, 2004
BenQ launches first webcam-enabled LCD monitors in the Middle East
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