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Monday, October 10, 2005
The Scythe Katana heatsink is a well-built and well-designed cooler. Heatpipe coolers may be the current trend but they are that for good reasons. It's not hard to see why! The main selling point of this cooler is that it is better and quieter than the stock cooler. The bundled fan only produces 25dBA. On its own, it has better performance than the A64 stock cooler, even though the heatsink base couldn't fully cover the processor's heatspreader. But it's evident that this cooler can do much more. Its potential was evident in our test results. Slap on one or more faster fans, and you will see it cut down the processor temperature!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Although this is quite a large cooler, the remote heatpipe technology is hindering it from performing even on par with a basic heatsink supplied with a retail P4 processor. In our minds, heatpipe technology is for people requiring a quiet solution but don't even think of it as an option for overclocking. The installation on the Socket 478 is a much bigger pain to deal with than the stock solution as well, though more than likely sturdier. An advantage of the Katana is the cooler low noise level, though this does sacrifice some performance. People who want quiet system's already know this but its worth noting...
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
The Kamakiri cooler is a solid idea that needs abit more refining for it to shine above others. Scythe's main mission is to make DIY builders create their drem machines with quality parts. The SCKKR-1000 Kamakiri is a copper tubed heatpipe cooler for many platforms that utitizes a push/pull fan design across all 6 heatpipes.