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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The most prominent feature is of course the most frivolous: the dimmer-controlled, multi-color back-lighting. The colors are a manly blue, a macho red and nice, frilly pink. Okay, I know it's supposed to be purple, but trust me...it's more pink than purple. I mean really, would Obi-Wan Kenobi carry a pink light saber? At least the lady gamers will have something to go with a Power Puff Girls case mod. Frivolous or not, the lighting looks cool and it actually comes in handy in low light settings such as LAN parties. And the back-light combined with the laser-etched keys is much more aesthetically pleasing than the pale blue of many lighted keyboards.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Saitek's Eclipse II keyboard is the successor of the Eclipse. It features three different backlight colors and some very comfortable keys for stress and pain free gaming. The layout looks a bit futuristic, while keeping the size and weight at the same level as normal keyboards. We light it up and try it out with gaming and every day work and let you know how it fares.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The main feature of this keyboard is the customizable illumination. Although it won't really help you when doing your daily work, it does help when gaming in a dark environment such as at a LAN gaming event. The lighting does help surprisingly well in those situations and you won't be hunting for keys you cannot see anymore.