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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Underneath almost every 280 card sticker is the same card in the GTX280 family of cards, with differences being cosmetic in nature in almost every case. There are a few bold partners who make spec changes and such, but that is a limited number of cards being brought to market at best. My point is this; almost every GTX280 you see on the shelf was made with the same spec and same manufacturing procedures so who you buy from becomes a very valid concern in a sea of manufactures. Palit is the biggest NVIDIA and ATI partner with the positions and distribution levels to bring solid business to the game. The Palit GTX280 is another Gamer's Choice Gold as it features the fastest single chipset card in the world the NVIDIA GTX280 and Palit's card is priced at under $500.00, a winning price at this time point.