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Thursday, February 15, 2007
As with all higher-end MSI cards of late, the 7800GTX comes packaged in a standard sized light blue box depicting an angel. Inside the box, you find cables for Composite, component and S-Video as well as a couple of DVI-DSUB connectors. MSI also places two 6-pin PCI-E power connectors as the 8800GTX requires two. While drivers and applications are present, surprisingly, MSI does not bundle any games with the card.
The MSI Computer NX8800GTX-T2D768E-HD is the companies' flagship nVIDIA-GPU based PCI Express x16 videocard. This massive slab of chips and thermal solution is built around an equally large nVidia 'G80' GeForce 8800GTX core. The videocard has a 768MB frame buffer, and supports both DirectX 10, OpenGL 2.0, and 128-bit HDR standards. The Geforce 8880GTX GPU operates at 575MHz, and the 768MB of memory runs at 1800MHz. As you might expect, the NX8800GTX-T2D768E-HD is High Definition compatible in every way that counts. The NX8800GTX-T2D768E-HD is fully HDCP compliant too.