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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The tipping point for widespread adoption of business mobility is upon us, and it will take new levels of performance, greater functionality and interoperability, and broad access to mobility solutions beyond the executive suite for customers and operators to realise the benefits of anytime, anywhere productivity and collaboration. Now business users, and the operators and carriers that serve them, can demand a new standard of business devices combining both beauty and brains without compromise, and that is what the E61i delivers. With its latest handset Nokia has made it intuitive and pleasurable for business professionals to get mobilised. But while it probably won't appeal greatly to the current E61 crowd - unless you?re looking to upgrade for the camera feature - it should attract a new group of users who not only want a phone for work but also leisure.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Nokia E61i follow the original E61 with pretty much the same looks but its edge has been sharpened up to make mobility easier for you.