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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Personally, I feel that the only time you should ever have to worry about Northbridge temperature is while overclocking. I've never had a big problem with NB temps while overclocking, but I'm not really into the extreme stuff. Even with the passive heatpipe cooling, you really should have additional active cooling, such as a fan blowing directly on the radiators, if you are pushing your system to its limits. What we need is an active NB heatpipe cooler that can do the job silently, efficiently, and with a fan that will last. The guys at Thermaltake have taken care of this problem with their new NB cooler, the Extreme Spirit II, an actively cooled heatpipe cooler for your Northbridge. Let's see if it will give me some peace of mind in the NB department.
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
It's no secret that computers continue to get hotter and hotter as speeds scale higher and higher. CPU coolers have evolved from simple passively cooled aluminum heatsinks to massive towers of copper and aluminum bristling with heat pipes and fans. It's no suprise Northbridge chipsets are headed the same direction. The modest aluminum coolers of a short time ago have grown many times their original size. All copper NB coolers, with active fans, that were once considered unnecessary for anyone but the bleeding edge enthusiast have become commonplace on many boards. While these solutions are generally adequate to the task for the average user, if you plan on pushing your new Core2 Duo or AMD2 you might want to consider upgrading your Northbridge cooler. And even if you don't plan on setting records, a better cooler is a good way to insure your investment.
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