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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
X Trac Pads Fat Mat is a Cloth Nanofiber mouse pad that is relatively large and has a soft 1/4 inch thick foam backing. The large slick surface and extra thick soft material is invented to provide a more comfortable and efficient mouse surface.
Friday, November 2, 2007
When my ears first caught mention of the word "Fat Mat", I immediately thought of a mousepad similar to the size of the XTracPads Ripper XXL but with a gigantic width. Personally, I don?t prefer to have such a large mousepad, especially since I started using my laptop as my main computer. To my delight, the XTracPads Fat Mat was closer in width to the XTracPads Hybrid, but was also very nearly two thirds thicker - wow! It definitely sparked an interest in me to see how it performed when compared to the current APH King of Mousepads, the XTracPads Hybrid. Just a slight shock as I received the package -- who the heck is Herbert Nui? No hard feelings though, it actually cracked me up somewhat!