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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The world of air cooling is changing ever so much. We have tall tower heatsinks, round flowery looking heatsinks and huge flat heatsinks that looks to be the size of the Great Plains. Our test subject today is one that fix into the first category. The HT-102 from Aerocool is a tall tower type cooler that consists of copper and an UV fan and mount. Will the good looks lead to good performance? Let's see...
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
The Aerocool HT-102 CPU cooler performs good, but not outstanding. So what could be a reason to buy this cooler?...Silence! Looking at the cooling performance alone really says nothing. There are much more parameters and variables to deal with before you judge a cooler. A factor of high importance is noise level, and that's where this cooler stands out. The three heat pipes and all the fins make a solid cooler that performs on a decent but ultra silent level. Not satisfied with the performance? Simply switch the fan. This cooler uses a normal sized model, namely 90/92mm...