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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Whether you are a massive Halo fan or someone who doesn't see what all the fuss is about, it has been pretty tough to miss the hype with the release of the third installment in the epic series. Master Chief is back, and is on a mission to finish the fight. Does Halo 3 live up to the hype and silence the critics? Let's find out!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The series of 'must have' 360 titles continues on with the console's biggest release yet.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Now that that is all done I can continue gushing about Halo 3. I loved almost every minute of Halo 3 save for a few small complaints; its one of the highpoint of the year for me. Even if you spend the $60 just for the multiplayer side of the game you will not be disappointed. If you think of the campaign as an extra and the online elements as the meat of the game you will love Halo 3. However if your only reason for buying the game is the story's ending you're going to be upset. I know that Halo's success is guarantied. Everyone I have talked to that has played multiplayer has said that it is better and more fun the Halo 2.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
For three years Intense pressure has unenviably been on Bungie to deliver the ultimate first person shooter with Halo 3. The time has now come to judge and critisise their work. So, has Halo 3 really been worth the wait? And does it deserve to be the highest grossing launch game of all time?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Halo 3 isn't the ground breaking epic that many had expected it to be, specifically in the visual department. But what you are getting is a well written, well paced and well presented end to the Halo trilogy that should keep any fan very happy. Add to that simply the best console based online gaming experience ever, and it's clear that Halo 3 represents yet another triumph for the Xbox 360.