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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Today we have the Thermaltake SpinQ CPU cooler, a unique take on cooler designs of the past. The SpinQ is cooled with an 80mm "squirrel cage" type of fan and this fan not only cools the fins of the cooler but air is drawn in both ends and blown out in all directions across the body of the SpinQ. Obviously this cooler is named SpinQ for a reason. While I'm not too sure on the "Q" part, the "Spin" comes from the 30 twist of each fin, creating an overall spiraled design. This gives the SpinQ a previously unseen design of the body. Very flashy, I must say!
Thermaltake was pushing the boundaries of innovation when they created the SpinQ, focusing on achieving the unique look rather than performance. The performance isn't but for its price, there are competitors who can do much better. Nonetheless, the SpinQ is one of the most visually entrancing coolers I've seen, making it the perfect upgrade for someone who doesn't care about the big OC numbers, but someone interested in modifying their computer's appearance to make coworkers point and stare.