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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
If you believe the SF movies, the future of human computer interfaces is all about 3D holodecks and virtual reality. We aren't there yet, but if the new HP TouchSmart IQ770 PC is any indication, some of us are taking small baby steps towards a world where the mouse and keyboard become obsolete.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
All-in-one systems are nothing new; Sony, Apple, Gateway and even Dell all have systems that integrate the monitor and PC. But with exception to Apple's iMac, none of these systems have been particularly hot sellers. Maybe they were ahead of their time, or simply not powerful enough to be taken serious enough, after all who wants to spend money on a system that cannot last the test of time? With the wave of digital convergence upon us, it only makes sense that a home PC should leave the office and enter the family room where it can truly be used by everyone - it just has to look stylish enough to be show off. Enter the HP TouchSmart IQ770 PC, a truly powerful all-in-one entertainment system featuring an attractive touch screen display.