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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The material inside is sodium sulfate decahydrate, Na2SO4·10H2O, also known as Glauber's salt. This material changes phases (from solid to liquid) at 32 C (90 F), which makes this product excellent at storing heat and is commonly used to store thermal energy for solar heating systems.
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Monday, December 10, 2007
To be perfectly honest, I really thought the iXoft was going to end up like so many other items that are based on great ideas: just a great idea, but not much truth to it... you know, the whole "if it sounds too good to be true" shebang. As you can see from the results in the table above, was I ever wrong! I don't know about you, but I really like the idea of using my laptop - IN my lap - without burning myself. I mean, seriously: would you rather have something almost 104° or 73° against your skin? The last time I checked, 104° is about as hot as the water that comes out of the kitchen sink. Unless you've lost all sense of feeling, 104° is way too hot for anyone to handle against their skin for any more than a second or two. 73° is more like the ocean in Hilo, Hawaii at this time of year. Hmmmm... I don't see much of a choice here.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
There are a large number of fan based laptop coolers out there, but the market for passive laptop coolers seem to be a little more...quiet. Two entrants enter the ring here today for a passive laptop cooling duel to the death. In one corner we have Lapworks and in the other corner Thermaltake.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
You know how sometimes you see mall kiosks set up that sell those muscle relaxation pads? The ones with the gel inside so that you can stick them in the microwave for a warmth that will soothe your aching body? The ones that you can also stick in the fridge if you need to prevent swelling on a recently injured body part? Well, it turns out that these kinds of pads are just for your body. They get designed for your laptop as well.
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thermaltake's products are innovative and always receive a lot of publicity. ThinkComputers really liked its 1000W power supply and its V1 CPU cooler. Will the iXoft notebook cooling pad, a new, lightweight, fanless, fabric device designed to dissipate heat more efficiently, live up to the Thermaltake brand name? ThinkComputers investigates.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Most of us who travel, or use the notebook away from our desk or table tend to position the notebook on our laps (hence they are also referred to as "laptops"). Although the current generation of notebooks run both cooler and use less power, several studies have been published pointing out the dangers of positioning the notebook on your lap. While some point out the chance of developing testicular cancer (in men.....duh), most studies suggest notebooks can cause sterility by raising the temperature of their testes, as well as the unnatural posture most assume to use the notebook on their lap.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
With its passive heatshift technology, the iXoft is a unique notebook cooler yet it still manages to do an effective job. There are a lot of advantages to this cooler including silent operation, no power consumption, and portability. No fans, no wires, and no extra battery power used - just place it under the notebook and it's ready to go.
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