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Monday, July 2, 2007
BFG is breaking away from using the stock NVIDIA reference cooling solution in favor of a custom solution with better performance. This new cooling solution allows for faster clock speeds on the new BFG 8600 GTS OC2 video card. In fact, this video card is the fastest 8600 GTS that I have tested. It's really nice to see BFG putting some effort into better cooling solutions that enable higher clock speeds without resorting to using heat sinks that take a single slot card and turn it into t dual slot card. BFG's heat sink did a great job of keeping the card cool no matter how long I used it.
Monday, June 4, 2007
BFG is well known for overclocked already fast NVIDIA graphics cards and making them into speedy monsters. The BFG 8800 Ultra OC is no exception, BFG overclocks the core frequency to 630MHz, the memory clock to 2220MHz giving 106.6GB/s of memory bandwidth, and overclocked the shader to 1566MHz.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
It may seem that Xtreme Computing are a bit behind the times in getting round to reviewing a PhysX card but there is a reason behind this. We wanted to wait a while for the technology to mature a bit, wait for the drivers to improve etc, and for more games to come out that support the PhysX processor, and now seems to be about the right time as the technology is a little more established now and the list of games is growing all the time.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Someone asked me the other day if I thought SLI was just a marketing gimmick or a real technology that is actually worth considering. SLI is a great upgrade option for a lot of people, especially now with a large amount of SLI motherboards available for the impressive Intel Core 2 Duo processor lineup. Generally unless you are buying top of the line graphics cards like the GeForce 8800GTS or GTX, going out and buying a pair of lower-end cards for SLI is not really what we would consider good value for money. What the extra dollars equate to means that you could get a faster single card solution and not have to worry about some games not supporting SLI. The technology is best when implemented with someone buying a card like the new GeForce 8600GTS today, and then three months down the track, when they have some extra dollars, add a second card into the mix.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Maybe it's the great looking box or the fact that they come with a nice little overclock, all these cards seem to have something that shines, fortunately for BFG Tech it has both the box and the overclock and so much more. We had a look at the XFX come launch day and it had a lot going for it, with a huge out of the box overclock it was destined to be king of the 8600GTS cards, unfortunately when it came to overclocking we discovered pretty quickly that the card was at its limit. With BFG Tech in hand we have a chance to see if the cheaper cards on the market are capable of still giving us the modest overclock, taking us up to the level of XFX.
Monday, February 19, 2007
The BFG NVIDIA 8800 GTX OC arrived Technic3D. The Graphic Card BFG NVIDIA 8800 GTX OC with 600 MHz Core and 1.400 MHz Shader better than others High-End Graphic Cards? Technic3D will see that, with Overclocking, in the following Review.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Removing the XFX 8800 GTS 320MB XXX from the package nothing gives it away at first glance as a toned down version of the full strength 8800 GTX. You have to pry the stock heat sink and fan off the card to see that NVIDIA simply left half the memory chips off to get the price down to where the consumers shopping for a mid range graphics card are buying.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
From our initial experiments, it seems that the GeForce 8800 GTS overclocks exceptionally well and there is plenty of headroom in clock speeds, making the GeForce 8800 GTS the sweetspot for most enthusiasts. In current games, the GeForce 8800 GTX really only starts to come into its own at 2560x1600 - in next-generation games, the GeForce 8800 GTX is likely to show more dominance at 1920x1200, while the 8800 GTS will still be a capable card at that resolution.
From our initial experiments, it seems that the GeForce 8800 GTS overclocks exceptionally well and there is plenty of headroom in clock speeds, making the GeForce 8800 GTS the sweetspot for most enthusiasts. In current games, the GeForce 8800 GTX really only starts to come into its own at 2560x1600 - in next-generation games, the GeForce 8800 GTX is likely to show more dominance at 1920x1200, while the 8800 GTS will still be a capable card at that resolution.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
In this case, going from the GTX to a GTS means a price reduction of close to £150. By moving from the GTX to the GTS, we see a drop in the number of stream processors from 128 to 96. These are also running at a slower frequency of 1.2GHz, compared to the 1.35GHz of the GTX. We also see a drop in the number of pixel output engines, from 24 to 20. This drop in pixel throughput should only really be an issue at very high resolutions.
Friday, February 3, 2006
All in all, the GS is a decent performing card, and will quite possibly be the last bastion of the AGP gamer. We've examined the value of the PCI Express upgrade path, and you'll have to decide if that is for you or not right now, based on the pricing economics. As it is, this is easily the best thing you can add to your ailing AGP system...