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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Albatron takes Mini-ITX into a new direction with its KI51PV-754 motherboard, a high powered 64-bit compatible alternative based on a pair of very capable nVidia chipsets which boast an integrated Geforce 6-series videocard and MPEG-2/WMV9 High Definition video playback support. Outside of purely industrial single board computers (SBC), it was VIA that originally delivered the Mini-ITX formfactor in all its 170 x 170mm glory to mainstream computer geeks. The standard is quite a bit smaller than conventional ATX or BTX motherboards, but really the only features lost are expansion slots. With the high level of integration in most of todays graphics-enabled core logics, the loss of a few, or virtually every expansion slot is not that big a loss. Compact sizes also make the Mini-ITX motherboard a really versatile x86 platform.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
If good things come in small packages, this board has it all. For anyone looking to build a powerful car-computer this is a great alternative to the usual VIA solutions. The overall system performance is respectable given the system configuration. The dual Ethernet solution could easily turn this into a mini-server or custom router. The GeForce 6150 makes for a very powerful backbone allowing great video playback and dual display output with TV-out.