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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
If you are disposed to spend enough money, you won't be disappointed by this graphic card. It's slower than the GTX, but it has anyway outstanding performances in DX9...We will see in future how this card will behave with DX10.
Monday, February 12, 2007
They shouldn't have changed the name anyway, since it is an 8800GTS with just less memory. Fortunately they didn't do something stupid like call it the "8850GT" which does nothing but cause panic to everyone who owns a new graphics card. Palit have come to the party today and shown us the 320MB version of the 8800GTS - we're going to have a quick look at it and the package before we gets stuck into what really matters, and of course what we really want to know. Are we sacrificing much by loosing 320MB of memory?