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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The MARS motherboard is currently the only product in the Quantum Force series, which Foxconn announced for gamers and overclockers. And we are nearly 100% sure that it is an overhauled Foxconn P35A-S.
Friday, February 22, 2008
The mobo turned out to be working great! The Intel C2Q Q6600 worked perfectly on 3.4 GHz with a voltage of 1.41 V. This is a fantastic result considering the cooling system and CPU limits. All in all, the 6-phase voltage unit proved more than adequate even for a quad-core processor. The board does exactly what you tell her to, not what she decides to, which is a rare case nowadays.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The latest attempt by Foxconn to establish itself as a serious enthusiast brand is also its most successful. The Foxconn MARS, hopefully the first of many in their Quantum Force series, has all the makings of high-end motherboard goodness. It overclocks great too. Read on.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Foxconn's MARS motherboard was a breeze to work with, I particularly liked the physical power, reset and clear CMOS buttons. Enthusiasts will find a very tweakable BIOS, and the Gladiator BIOS tools are a real time saver. Be warned though, if you're new to the overclocking game don't go too crazy with the voltage options, you can permanently damage your hardware!
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Foxconn Mars is a reasonably good board that overclocks pretty well, but it's not outstandingly fast, particularly cheap and the core bundle is a bit off. The Quantum force is here to stay, and the Foxconn Mars is a solid first effort at an enthusiast board but it's not what it needs to be. Hopefully the company will learn from its mistakes and make an "OMG NEED!" board next time around.
Friday, February 23, 2007
So you want to add some style to your case? Tired of your boring old stock heatsink? There are a lot different heatsinks on the market these days, but today we're going to have a look at one of the more interesting arrivals. The CoolerMaster Mars is stepping up to bat here at Futurelooks!