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Friday, August 15, 2008
Need to build a new rig on the cheap? Need modest Crossfire support, and a decent feature-set? The ECS P45T-A might be worthy of your consideration, as it packs in a good amount of functionality, solid performance, a cool color scheme and of course, a good price tag, of around $110.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
In short, this inexpensive motherboard is fast, stable, and features a ton of opportunities for expansion. While the lack of firewire is indeed a disappointment, I believe that this can be taken as a non-issue for gamers. Considering the features present, the speeds attained, and the stability of the system overall during the testing procedures, I feel that this motherboard is a good buy if a user is looking to assemble a low cost, reliable gaming machine. It's just a shame that this product doesn't have what it takes to break free of just what it was meant to do, but given the fact that it costs just shy of $110 - or rather, is shockingly cheap, I would say this is a good candidate for the great value award!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
ECS Black Edition motherboards give a reasonably high end motherboard factor with a price that is extremely affordable. Its certainly a step-up from their usual low-priced motherboards and today we look at their recently launched Intel P45 chipset solution modeled as the P45T-A Black Edition.