BitTorrent once scorned in Hollywood, on Sunday joined a number of providers in the nascent arena for legal downloads of movies and television shows with...
BitTorrent, a peer-assisted digital content delivery platform, today announced a slate of partnerships with a wide variety of leading film and television companies. 20th Century...
Betanews reports that BitTorrent announced a new initiative to incorporate the technology into consumer electronic products. ASUS, Planex, and QNAP are among the first companies...
ASUS, Planex and QNAP are among the first CE manufacturers to implement the BitTorrent download manager into their digital home devices BitTorrent today announced it...
Warner Bros.'s video unit on Tuesday unveiled plans to sell movies and television shows to BitTorrent for legal downloads from the Web site that was...
The popular bittorrent client BitComet has been updated to v0.64. BitComet is a p2p file-sharing freeware compatible with Bittorrent, one of the most popular p2p...
File-sharers have moved away from the popular BitTorrent system following legal action and have moved to another network called eDonkey, showed a study by internet...
Opera Software today announced that the next version 9 of its Opera browser will integrate a new extension that can access the BitTorrent search engine...
In a deal aimed at reducing illegal Internet traffic in pirated films, Hollywood reached an agreement Tuesday with the creator of the popular file-sharing software...