The sequel to the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise, Manhunt 2 is a dark and disturbing psychological story revolving around the sinister events of a secretive...
Sony is introducing two capacities of its Memory Stick Entertainment Pack for the PSP system later this month featuring either 2GB or 4GB Memory Stick...
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) announced the availability of the limited-edition Daxter PSP Entertainment Pack, which features the new PSP system to be offered in...
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) unveiled the new PSP (PlayStationPortable) Slim and Lite, available across the SCEE territories from 5th September 2007 at £169. The...
SKY and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced the formation of a Joint Venture company to deliver on-demand entertainment content to owners of the...
Sony will launch a slimmer model of its PlayStation Portable handheld game player in September, in an latest attempt to compete better with Nintendo's DS...
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) released a new firmware for PlayStation portable (PSP). Sony did not provide details about what the new firmware offers, saying...
Sony released a firmware update for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) which finally allows the interconnectivity between the handheld device and the PlayStation 3. However, it...