Japanese electronics maker Sony on Thursday said it will recall certain lithium-ion notebook computer batteries following complaints of overheating by some computer makers. Sony explains...
NXP will incorporate the codec in its Nexperia multimedia system solutions to raise the bar for audio quality in home entertainment applications such as its...
With this new agreement, HP customers have instant access to Yahoo!'s trusted and vital online services such as Yahoo! Search, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News and...
Lenovo and IBM are recalling about 526,000 Sony batteries made for ThinkPad notebook PCs after a computer caught fire at Los Angeles International Airport, Lenovo...
Last month, the RIAA sued Limewire after Limewire wouldn't agree to simply roll over and pretend the RIAA's interpretation of the Supreme Court decision in...
Founder, China's second largest PC provider and the seventh largest global desktop PC provider, expects to launch AMD64 processor-based desktop PCs throughout China in early...
Netscape Version 8.1.2 (US English) is currently available for download. The new version includes new security fixes, offers enhanced RSS support, a new options panel...
Computer security firm Symantec warned that users of Microsoft's new 'Vista' operating system could find their options for running anti-virus style software seriously reduced. Vista...
Energy-Efficient Quad-Core Products, New Industry Standards Ensure Opportunities for Developers, New Benefits for Businesses During his keynote today at the Intel Developer Forum, Pat Gelsinger,...
A federal judge has dismissed a large portion of Advanced Micro Devices' anti-trust lawsuit against Intel, saying that US law does not cover many of...