Microsoft launched on Monday its newly branded instant messaging system, Windows Live Messenger, the first major release in a wave of online services Microsoft plans...
Microsoft is developing a music and video device to compete with Apple's iPod and creating its own music service to rival Apple's iTunes, sources familiar...
Toshiba and other Japanese chip makers on Tuesday scrapped a tentative plan to set up a microchip foundry but said they will standardize technology to...
Microsoft on Tuesday warned of eight ``critical'' security flaws in its Windows operating system and Office software that could allow attackers to take control of...
Microsoft acknowledged that it needs to better inform users that its tool for determining whether a computer is running a pirated copy of Windows also...
Microsoft plans to release 12 security patches for its products nest week. The updates will include a fix for a widely reported vulnerability in Microsoft...
Internet giant Yahoo have overhauled its online picture-sharing service to create a venue "for the masses" to share digital images with family or friends, the...