Apple Outlines Environmental Initiatives in China
Apple is expanding its renewable energy and environmental protection initiatives in China, including a new multi-year project with World Wildlife Fund to increase responsibly managed forests across China. The new forestland program aims to protect as much as 1 million acres of responsibly managed working forests which provide fiber for pulp, paper and wood products. Apple’ says its goal is to achieve a net-zero impact on the world’s supply of sustainable virgin fiber and power all its operations worldwide on 100 percent renewable energy.
"Forests, like energy, can be renewable resources," said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environmental Initiatives. "We believe we can run on naturally renewable resources and ensure that we protect—and create—as much sustainable working forest as needed to produce the virgin paper in our product packaging. This is an important step toward that goal and our commitment to leave the world better than we found it."
Apple also announced its intent to expand its renewable energy projects to manufacturing facilities in China.
"We’ve set an example by greening our data centers, retail stores and corporate offices, and we’re ready to start leading the way toward reducing carbon emissions from manufacturing," said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. "This won’t happen overnight—in fact it will take years—but it’s important work that has to happen, and Apple is in a unique position to take the initiative toward this ambitious goal. It is a responsibility we accept. We are excited to work with leaders in our supply chain who want to be on the cutting edge of China’s green transformation."
Three weeks ago, Apple launched its first major solar project in China. Solar installations in Sichuan Province will generate more energy than needed to power all of Apple’s corporate offices and retail stores in China.
Apple is partnering with Leshan Electric Power Co., Sichuan Development Holding Co., Ltd, Tianjin Tsinlien Investment Holding Co., Ltd, Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd, and SunPower Corporation on the project encompassing two 20-megawatt solar farms. Together the project will generate up to 80 million kilowatt hours per year of clean energy, enough to power the equivalent of 61,000 Chinese homes.
The solar projects were designed to minimize their ecological impact and protect the grasslands that support the yak population, which is also important to the local economy. Today 87 percent of Apple’s global operations run on renewable energy, and the Sichuan Province solar project will bring Apple even closer to its commitment to reach 100 percent.
Apple operates 19 corporate offices and 22 retail stores in China, including Hong Kong, directly employing 8,000 people.