DropBox Left Users With Authentication
Yesterday DropBox made a code update at 1:54pm Pacific time that introduced a bug affecting the service's authentication mechanism.
The company discovered this at 5:41pm and fixed it by 5:46pm. Dropbox said that "a very small number" of users (much less than 1 percent) logged in during that period, some of whom could have logged into an account without the correct password.As a precaution, the company ended all logged in sessions.
The bug would have allowed anyone to log into into someone elses account simply by typing in their e-mail address.
Dropbox is conducting an investigation of related activity to understand whether any accounts were improperly accessed.
The bug would have allowed anyone to log into into someone elses account simply by typing in their e-mail address.
Dropbox is conducting an investigation of related activity to understand whether any accounts were improperly accessed.