F.C.C Releases Net Netruality Rules
The Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C) today released the net-neutrality regulations it adopted last month. "The lesson of this period, and the overwhelming consensus on the record, is that carefully tailored rules to protect Internet openness will allow investment and innovation to continue to flourish," the agency said.
The regulations are included in a 400-page file available online. The rules bar Internet service providers from interfering with Web traffic. That has been criticized by cable and telephone companies as intrusive.
Since the Feb. 26 vote, the text has undergone final edits to respond to the dissents of Republicans on the five-member agency led by Chairman Tom Wheeler. Wheeler said in his statement the rules preserve incentives for private investment while ensuring networks "are fast, fair, and open for all Americans."
Next steps include publication in the Federal Register, which sets the stage for expected lawsuits by companies that say the regulations are an unfair restriction that could lead to rate regulation.