Intel Revelations Drive new Online File Distribution Models
Intel Invests in New Company Formed by Morgan Freeman's Revelations Entertainment to Accelerate Broadband Distribution of First-Run Films.
Revelations Entertainment and Intel Corporation today announced the formation of a new digital entertainment company focused on distributing premium movies directly to consumers over the Internet, connecting filmmakers to film fans worldwide.
Revelations, a partnership between actor Morgan Freeman and producer Lori McCreary, has formed ClickStar Inc. with an investment from Intel.
ClickStar's strategy is to create an online service in which consumers can access, pay for and download first-run, pre-DVD-release films and artist-created entertainment channels in their homes. This new online destination will be designed to give filmmakers a vehicle to connect directly with fans and offer consumers a new way of experiencing home entertainment. ClickStar will enable new business models resulting in increased revenue opportunities for the film industry.
The formation of the new company was announced today by Freeman and Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini at the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference.
"ClickStar addresses the growing worldwide consumer demand for digital content -- especially filmed entertainment," Freeman said. "Our goal is to deliver first-run premium entertainment to film fans around the world and to make film easier to buy than to pirate."
"This is a significant step that will transform the consumer's entertainment experience in the digital home," Otellini said. "With Intel's new digital entertainment platforms and ClickStar's exciting new digital entertainment service, consumers will be able to watch first-run films and premium content from the comfort of their living rooms."
ClickStar will be led by former Sony Pictures executive Nizar Allibhoy. The company's strategy is to provide the marketing and distribution expertise required to enable the release of first-run films before they're released on DVD and delivered directly to Intel's digital home entertainment devices. ClickStar is working with top artists, producers and distribution companies worldwide to build a compelling slate of exciting films that will be available in theaters as well as online. The parties involved with ClickStar share a common belief that consumers want to enjoy digital entertainment and that the best way to address piracy is to deliver compelling and better protected entertainment experiences.