Next Release of BBM To Offer Photo Sharing, Multi Person Chats
Blackberry BBM team has disclosed that the next version of BBM will feature photo sharing and multi person chats.
The new features come as an addition to existing sharing options that exist in multi person chats - sending voice notes, sharing your location powered by Glympse, and sending files from your Dropbox account.
For all those who want to be able to send larger files through BBM, Blackberyry will also increase the file size limit on from 6MB to 16MB in the next release of BBM.
Blackberry has also increased the size of the emoticons slightly after feedback from BBM users.
Blackberry has recently introduced the eBBM Suite and BBM Protected, and announced that BBM would be coming to Windows Phone and Nokia X.
Last week, the Canadian company shared that stickers would be coming to BBM in the new BBM Shop.
BBM is a strong property of Blackberry and the struggling company is consantly trying to improve it as it could bring a significant stream of revenue as a service or even in case Blackberry decides to sell it.
For all those who want to be able to send larger files through BBM, Blackberyry will also increase the file size limit on from 6MB to 16MB in the next release of BBM.
Blackberry has also increased the size of the emoticons slightly after feedback from BBM users.
Blackberry has recently introduced the eBBM Suite and BBM Protected, and announced that BBM would be coming to Windows Phone and Nokia X.
Last week, the Canadian company shared that stickers would be coming to BBM in the new BBM Shop.
BBM is a strong property of Blackberry and the struggling company is consantly trying to improve it as it could bring a significant stream of revenue as a service or even in case Blackberry decides to sell it.