Philips DVDRW228 DVD+RW
5. CDR Tests
CDR Tests
Philips DVDRW228 supports up to 12x (CLV) writing. The drive includes "SeamlessLink" as the main buffer underrun protection. We did our tests with Nero v5.5.8.2 and CloneCD v4.0.1.6 software. We created a DataCD (80:01:47) and used the same media for all burns:
Ricoh MP5125A is faster than Philips DVDRW228 by 6secs. Of course such time differences are not so important.
- Other features
Overburning Writing
Up to 99mins
CD-Text (Read/Write)
8cm CDs
- CloneCD Writing Tests
The CloneCD v4.0.1.6 reports that all drives support the DAO-RAW feature. For the EFM correction (SD2 test) we used 'Serious Sam - The Second Encounter" game titles. We performed both software/hardware EFM corrections test. Both Philips DVDRW228 and Ricoh MP5125A support software and not hardware EFM correction. The "Amplify Weak Sectors" setting can be used to backup such discs:
Tested Drives
DAO-RAW writing speed
Software EFM Correction
Hardware EFM Correction
Philips DVDRW228
Yes ( v2.50.021+)
LRicoh MP5125A