Traxdata 256 Compact Flash
2. Tests - Conclusion
Traxdata CF and SD Memory card - Page 2
Test Layout
For the test we used a USB 2.0 memory card reader by Extreme Memory, utilizing a SMSC USB97C223-NE-04 memory controller. Since there isn't any proved memory card benchmarking tool out there, we have chosen to use our good old chronograph and time the seconds required to complete read and write operations via windows explorer. The file used throughout the reading and writing performance tests was an exact 100MB RAR file (104.857.600 bytes).
The test machine was otherwise consisted of a P4 2.8 GHz CPU, 1GB DDR400 and a WD 2000JB HDD running Windows XP SP1.
Test Results
It is clear that the Traxdata CF card, which reaches an actual transfer rate 34x/30x for Read/Write operations accordingly, cannot reach the claimed speed of 52x. Nonetheless, these speed ratings are quite impressive when compared to the scores of lower speed rated Compact Flash cards like the Lexar 8x 512MB.
The same goes for the Traxdata SD card, which manages to outperform its sibling by a small margin during Reading operations, while lacking heavily in write speeds. Its performance reached 40x Read and 17x Write.
Traxdata memory cards achieved good ratings compared to similar products unequally priced. The average user should be more than satisfied by the fast read and write speeds they provide, especially the CF card which may appeal even to the professional digital camera user.