SunnComm Technologies, Inc. announced today that it has developed StudioMax - a very powerful security feature of SunnComm's MediaMax Technology. It is scheduled for presentation...
SunnComm Technologies, Inc. of Phoenix, Arizona announced today that its industry-leading CD copy protection and enhancement technology is now completely functional and secure on Apple...
SunnComm Technologies, Inc. (OTC:STEH) announced today that its MediaMax(TM) CD-3(TM) technology has been incorporated to enhance and protect the content within Ike and Tina Turner's...
SunnComm Technologies, Inc. announced a strategic partnership with DCA, Inc., the industry leader in optical disc signal processing. The partnership between the two companies will...
SunnComm Inc. of Phoenix today announced the market launch of its newest proprietary copy-control system known as MediaMax CD-3 Technology. This suite of products has...
The Phoenix, Ariz.-based copy-protection company has been the target of consumer outrage over its technology, which is designed to stop people from shifting music tracks...
SunnComm Inc. Thursday announced that it will be incorporating a radical new feature into its well received CD3 Expanded Experience Environment software called PromoPlay. PromoPlay...