Comdex Trade Show cancelled
You can most likely write Comdex off your calendar here in the U.S. indefinitely. The once-popular Las
Vegas based computer show has been cancelled again.
"Comdex, once one of the largest high-tech tradeshows in the world, has been cancelled for a second
year, the show's owner said Tuesday.
Comdex 2005 was cancelled despite the efforts of its owner MediaLive International Inc. to take the conference out of limbo. The tradeshow, which is traditionally held in Las Vegas, Nev., in November, was cancelled last year for the first time after 25 years. "
Comdex 2005 was cancelled despite the efforts of its owner MediaLive International Inc. to take the conference out of limbo. The tradeshow, which is traditionally held in Las Vegas, Nev., in November, was cancelled last year for the first time after 25 years. "