One-Red LLC Lowers Patent Royalty Rates for DVD and CD
Beginning July 1, 2012, One-Red LLC will become the
authorized entity to administer a new joint DVD Disc and
DVD Player license program on behalf of its licensors,
which include Koninklijke Philips, Sony, Pioneer and LG
One-Red delivers a new DVD license for all essential
patents of LG, Philips, Pioneer and Sony that are related
to DVD Video and ROM and CD-Audio and ROM technologies.
The new One-Red DVD program offers a "per-batch license," which means that shipments of products, rather than manufacturers, are licensed. This allows licensees to better track shipments of their products and prevents improperly licensed products from entering the marketplace.
One-Red is also offering a program with lower royalty rates than similar or existing programs for the use of these patents and will offer a limited-time early-bird discount to encourage current and potential licensees to participate in the new One-Red joint DVD program.
The new program for DVD Discs covers essential patents of DVD Video and ROM technologies while the program for DVD players also includes essential patents related to Compact Disc Audio and ROM technologies. A list of DVD Prerecorded Disc patents may be found at http://www.one-red.com/license-program/jointdvddisc.html and DVD Player patents may be found at http://www.one-red.com/license-program/jointdvdplayer.html.
The new joint DVD licenses are being offered on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions. Each patent owner whose patents are included in the new One-Red joint DVD license program are also willing to make available separate licenses under these same patents ("Company Only Licenses").
Brand manufacturers and brand owners that enter into the new DVD patent licensing agreements with One-Red will benefit from the following royalty rates:
- DVD Video Player (USD)
o Standard $3.60
o Compliant $2.80
- DVD-ROM Player (USD)
o Standard $2.91
o Compliant $2.24
- DVD Discs (USD)
o Standard $.04
o Compliant $.03
The new One-Red DVD program offers a "per-batch license," which means that shipments of products, rather than manufacturers, are licensed. This allows licensees to better track shipments of their products and prevents improperly licensed products from entering the marketplace.
One-Red is also offering a program with lower royalty rates than similar or existing programs for the use of these patents and will offer a limited-time early-bird discount to encourage current and potential licensees to participate in the new One-Red joint DVD program.
The new program for DVD Discs covers essential patents of DVD Video and ROM technologies while the program for DVD players also includes essential patents related to Compact Disc Audio and ROM technologies. A list of DVD Prerecorded Disc patents may be found at http://www.one-red.com/license-program/jointdvddisc.html and DVD Player patents may be found at http://www.one-red.com/license-program/jointdvdplayer.html.
The new joint DVD licenses are being offered on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions. Each patent owner whose patents are included in the new One-Red joint DVD license program are also willing to make available separate licenses under these same patents ("Company Only Licenses").
Brand manufacturers and brand owners that enter into the new DVD patent licensing agreements with One-Red will benefit from the following royalty rates:
- DVD Video Player (USD)
o Standard $3.60
o Compliant $2.80
- DVD-ROM Player (USD)
o Standard $2.91
o Compliant $2.24
- DVD Discs (USD)
o Standard $.04
o Compliant $.03