Apple To Bundle Beats to iOS: report
It looks Apple has found a way to promote the Beats streaming music service by offering it as part of the iOS operating system, according to a report in the Financial Times newspaper.
Apple will include the Beats app in its latest update to the iOS operating system used on iPhones and iPads, writes the FT.
The company declined to comment.
Apple purchased Beats for $3bn earlier this year in May.
The move would offer Apple an easy way to reach new customers.
Beats streaming music service threatens the dominance of market-leader Spotify, and also comes as downloads from Apple's music store, iTunes, have declined.
The company declined to comment.
Apple purchased Beats for $3bn earlier this year in May.
The move would offer Apple an easy way to reach new customers.
Beats streaming music service threatens the dominance of market-leader Spotify, and also comes as downloads from Apple's music store, iTunes, have declined.