First recording pictures of 48x CAV recorders!
ASUS CRX-4816A has the highest average recording speed with 38.40X
LiteOn LTR-48125W stay behind with 36.96X
LiteOn LTR-32125W, LTR-40125S users can "overclock" their recorders to
the latest LTR-48125W model with a simple firmware upgrade. The exact procedure is posted below for anyone who wish to try it. This can void your warranty so do it at your own risk!
a) Download the VS01 or a newer VS02 firmware
b) Download the
mktflash firmware updater
c) Boot in plain DOS and make sure no CD-ROM drives are loaded
d) Type mtkflash "x" w /b vs01.bin
where "x" is a number from 1 to 4:
1: Primary master
2: Primary slave
3: Secondary master
4: Secondary slave
In case you wish to downgrade you drive to its original state, here you can find previous firmware (just replace the vs01.bin with the name of the new firmware).