BitTorrent Has A New Messaging App
BitTorrent has officially launched private messaging app Bleep across all major platforms. The app, which was initially released as an open alpha version last September, is particularly focused on privacy and security, but also remains very simple to use. All you need to do is choose a nickname. You can share your Bleep key wherever you like: forum post, twitter page, etc. And no one will have any of your other details. Optionally, you can verify your email addresses and mobile numbers with Bleep, which will let your friends discover you through Bleep when they open an account.
The app keeps messages and the encryption keys for images stored on your local device, not the cloud. For messages and metadata, there is no server for hackers to target and because you hold the keys, images can’t be leaked to haunt you later.
New for this release is the ability to send whisper messages with Bleep. For parts of a conversation that you’d like to keep temporary, tapping "Go to Whisper" on your phone sends messages and pictures that disappear from devices after they’ve been viewed (25 seconds); holding shift on PC and Ctrl on Mac while hitting send does this on your desktop. You can switch back and forth between normal and whisper messages.
Whisper messages have additional protection for screenshots. If a friend manages to capture the screen, they won’t be able to capture who said what, since nicknames are blocked out.
Of course, free voice calls are also among the many features of the app. Users can start a Bleep-to-Bleep call with any online contact by tapping the phone icon at the top of your text conversation. Calls are connected directly (no cloud), with end-to-end encryption.
Bleep is now available on iOS, and has significant updates on Android, in addition to being available for Mac and Windows desktop. Each device you own is registered with Bleep separately, but you can add your friends to each device stay in touch.
The app is available at