Call of Duty 2
2. Gameplay
I cannot praise the game enough. Just because the storyline was predictable and irreversible, it did not stop the creators from making the game challenging. This may have been the only WWII game where I actually had to stop and take cover, moving stealthily and strategically from place to place. The only downside to this aspect of the game was the fact that you could get shot 500 times on a mission and not die. The only way to die was to be shot x-number of times in a row without taking cover. This meant, though, that the AI characters of the enemy had extremely good aim. I know its hard to picture an AI sniper actually hitting you, but please believe me, they can, even in mid-air. Another thing about the game that I particularly enjoyed was the fact that when you are in pain, it’s harder to see. Normal people get blurry vision after they’ve been shot. This is the first game that I have played that has incorporated it into the gameplay with such a major affect.
The game's controls were pretty much standard and easy to use. For example, to shoot the gun, you have to pull the trigger (in this case the right trigger). The other trigger (the left for those counting at home) is used to aim the gun. For snipers, it is used to scope. Controlling characters was extremely easy because the controls were sensitive, but not over sensitive to the point where you would be walking, turn left, and find yourself assuming a position against a brick wall. The character motion was seamless, no matter how much action was happening around you; there was no lag whatsoever. One last favorite control of mine was the melee button. Essentially, if you ran out of ammo, you were able to fight your way to a cache using only the butt of your gun. In my opinion, somewhat unlikely that you would be able to achieve such a feat with such a simple weapon, but nonetheless a great experience.
Online Play:
The online feature of CoD 2 can only be compared to that of Halo 2. Still, it is not a fair comparison because it is so much better. The graphics are better, the lag is less, and it's a game made to be played online on the Xbox360. Halo 2 was not made for the 360. Along with better online play comes better online players, so the game can be a little frustrating when played Live. Still, it's an experience worth bragging to your friends about. “Dude, I just got owned by someone with a Luger...”
- Depicted from Russian point of view
- amazing graphics
- challenging levels
- amazing online play
- predictable storyline (Yeah, that’s it)