DVD Writing Quality Database Updated
Our Media Tests database has been updated with the writing quality results of the latest DVD burner reviews.
For all those who are not familiar with this section of the CDRInfo.com web site, the Media Tests page is an interactive online application that allows visitors to see a graphical presentation of the various signals related to the writing quality of recordable DVD media we used in our hardware reviews.
By selecting a burner first and then a specific disc as well as the available recording speed, you can see graphs of singals such as PISum8, POF, Jitter Combined (JC), Reflectivity and many more. You can also compare the results of two on ever more different discs on the same graph.
Though this is a BETA version of the application, we would apprecaite your feedback.
The Media Tests section is available http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/DMediaTests/Home.aspx.
More information about the signals we measure for each DVD can be found here.
By selecting a burner first and then a specific disc as well as the available recording speed, you can see graphs of singals such as PISum8, POF, Jitter Combined (JC), Reflectivity and many more. You can also compare the results of two on ever more different discs on the same graph.
Though this is a BETA version of the application, we would apprecaite your feedback.
The Media Tests section is available http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/DMediaTests/Home.aspx.
More information about the signals we measure for each DVD can be found here.