IDC Says February PC Shipments Reflect Slow First Quarter
New monthly PC tracking in the world's top PC markets from
International Data Corporation (IDC) reveals slower than expected
growth in China during the first quarter of 2013 (1Q13).
Although the slowdown is partially due to the timing of Chinese New
Year and other expected factors, new budget cuts from the
government as well as anti-corruption measures are slowing
purchases more than expected. IDC estimates that March should
recover somewhat in China, but not enough to offset the weak
February results.
With China now the top PC market worldwide, accounting for over 21% of global shipments in 2012, the slow February results and likely impact on March are expected to lower first quarter global PC shipments by roughly 2% from recent forecasts. Other monthly results indicate close-to-forecast market performance in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Latin America, and Asia/Pacfic (excluding Japan)(APeJ) while supply chain data indicate room for a slightly larger downward adjustment, according to the IDC Monthly PC Trackers.
"Based on our latest quarterly figures, global PC shipments were expected to decline by 7.7% in the first quarter as vendors and the supply chain work through the Windows 8 transition," said Loren Loverde, Program Vice President, Worldwide PC Trackers at IDC. "However, our February monthly data suggest that we could see a drop touching double-digits in the first quarter and a mid-single-digit decline in the second quarter before we see any recovery in the second half of the year. Even getting to positive growth in the second half of 2013 will take some attractive new PC designs and more competitive pricing relative to tablets and other products."
With China now the top PC market worldwide, accounting for over 21% of global shipments in 2012, the slow February results and likely impact on March are expected to lower first quarter global PC shipments by roughly 2% from recent forecasts. Other monthly results indicate close-to-forecast market performance in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Latin America, and Asia/Pacfic (excluding Japan)(APeJ) while supply chain data indicate room for a slightly larger downward adjustment, according to the IDC Monthly PC Trackers.
"Based on our latest quarterly figures, global PC shipments were expected to decline by 7.7% in the first quarter as vendors and the supply chain work through the Windows 8 transition," said Loren Loverde, Program Vice President, Worldwide PC Trackers at IDC. "However, our February monthly data suggest that we could see a drop touching double-digits in the first quarter and a mid-single-digit decline in the second quarter before we see any recovery in the second half of the year. Even getting to positive growth in the second half of 2013 will take some attractive new PC designs and more competitive pricing relative to tablets and other products."